21 June - 31 August 2020
PAK (Platform voor Actuele Kunsten). Gistel. Bélgica

In case you are lucky enough to be or go to Belgium these months, Barking Dogs & Drawing Rooms is a summer show where two late shows, due to the Coronavirus, melt into one. The exhibition organized for security reasons without opening begins on Sunday June 21 and runs all summer. The expo can be visited on Friday, Saturday and Sunday each time from 2:00 to 6:00 pm or by appointment. The circumstances, the large interior space and the giant sculpture garden make a safe visit possible.
Participating artists:
Kim Note – Louis De Cordier – Katrien Orlans – Karl Mechnig – Cato Catteeuw – Jose Luis Serzo – Hilde Stevens – Michael Filez – Femke Den Hollander – Hans Lemmen-Milan Jesper

For more information: www.pakgistel.be/