Gijon. From March 9 to April 28, 2018
Gema Llamazares Gallery.

José Luis Serzo presents individually his latest series, Morphology of the Encounter, the story of an archetypal character who is led to embark on an initiatory path in the search, perhaps, for the meaning of his life. The archetype that our character crystallizes, is inspired by the Wall Street films of the 80s. He is a high executive in finance who has managed to touch a professional ceiling, but at the same time has stepped on a spiritual background. This is how he will be willing to dive and accept his shadow (remember Freud and Jung), to undertake a journey (real, symbolic-spiritual), for each of his fears and prejudices, and we will see him crossing a North Pole, loaded with icebergs, the product of his spiritual freezing and his cold material reasoning.
This journey will be contrasted by archetypal apparitions of the warrior woman (Amazons, Valkyries, Mugworts or the current females), which seem to come to claim the necessary communion with her more emotional “other” self.