Friday 2 July at 18h in La Salina
Dear friends, we have the immense pleasure of inviting you to three simultaneous events that will occur in an extraordinary way, and again, in the lands of Salamanca.
First of all, we are waiting for you in my next exhibition Projects and other germinal drawings, which opens next Friday 2 July at 18h in La Salina,Exhibition Hall of the Diputación de Salamanca. A peculiar exhibition where, for the first time, I show sketches, unpublished notebooks and project drawings, most of them never before exhibited, which have served as a germ for the development of many sculptures, installations and projects carried out and to be carried out. This is how in this exhibition we will also show some sculptures next to his previous drawings, thus illustrating part of the creative process or
working method that I have been doing for more than 20 years.
On the other hand, from the same Friday 2 at 11h in the morning, in the town of Morille*, public sculpture will be inaugurated El SentAdo de la vida (one of the projects exhibited in the exhibition of La Salina and dated in 2001), which will finally see the light 20 years later, being made and installed permanently at the entrance of the town.

And to finish off this inaugural charro tour, from Tuesday, June 29 at the DA2 Domus Artium 2002 in Salamanca you can see the sculpture El Miedo del Rey, installed for the occasion in the entrance hall to the main courtyard of the art center.

We hope that you will be encouraged to make the sertian charro journey and enjoy as much as we do the mysteries and events of these intense lands.
* Salamanca town where you can also visit the * Serzo Morille Space, opened in January 2020).