Blinky, Maya & los Luciérnagos
Of the rehearsals for a Welcome
Part 1 Blinky Rotred, the comet man and his beloved Beatrice, had just inaugurated a new stage with the birth of their daughter Maya.
As it was expected, in our dear and idealistic Blinky, it has turned out to be a revolutionary trigger, believing firmly, that the arrival of his first daughter, entails a sort of messianic irruption where a new generation is inaugurated with the sufficient potential to bring, once and for all, a new more harmonic paradigm.
The Luciérnagos, the cast of actors and artists where his sister Anna Rotred is, prepare a welcome at the height of the expectations of the comet man.
You can see all kinds of stuff on the floor.
Mattías is in a white armchair going over a script. Behind him, Hadasa Vox and Juan de Mata spy on him in camouflage on the curtain.
Mattías.- No doubt it’s a good idea to welcome the daughter of the comet man, but Robertopor left the script unfinished again with his untimely departure – I always have to be on top of it to get things done and now we have to improvise again!
(Anna Rotred appears on stage euphoric, with some roles in hand, Hadasa and Juande Mata try to hide not to be seen by their unexpected arrival)
Anna Rotred.- I knew it, he really always thought about it and never told me! Robertopor considers me an activist! What a role he has given me! Right?
Mattías.- Don’t get your hopes up, you know that your brother considers his little girl a pilot fish for that “new solar generation”, and your role could mislead the message, it’s not finished, the most important thing is missing, the paradox, the closure, the chim-pum…
Anna Rotred.- Don’t worry, I’m sure Robertopor will come in time to solve it, and if not, then we’ll know how to find a good ending…the path is already laid out, you just have to follow it!
Mattías.- Follow him…? How far? If you can’t see the end because of the fog! And if there’s nothing behind it…? Or even worse, if we find a cliff or… a wall! Which way is that that we don’t know where it takes us, no matter how nice it is?!
Anna Rotred.- You’re always so pessimistic, so dramatic!
Mattias.- …excuse me, I’m a playwright.
Anna Rotred.-…as you wish, but the road will take us to a spectacular place, it says so at the entrance. Don’t you trust your intuition anymore?
-MATTIAS, director of the Fireflies
-ANNA ROTRED, the clown, sister of Blinky Rotred
-HADASA VOX, soprano.
JUAN DE MATA, the eternal secondary actor
ROBERTOPOR, the scriptwriter
BLINKY ROTRED, the comet man
BEATRICE PIEPER, alchemist, wife of Blinky Rotred
MAYA, daughter of Blinky and Beatrice.
First scene
You can see all kinds of stuff on the floor.
Mattías is in a white armchair going over a script. Behind him, Hadasa Vox and Juan de Mata spy on him in camouflage on the curtain.
Mattías.- No doubt it’s a good idea to welcome the daughter of the comet man, but Robertopor left the script unfinished again with his untimely departure – I always have to be on top of it to get things done and now we have to improvise again!
(Anna Rotred appears on stage euphoric, with some roles in hand, Hadasa and Juande Mata try to hide not to be seen by their unexpected arrival)
Anna Rotred.- I knew it, he really always thought about it and never told me! Robertopor considers me an activist! What a role he has given me! Right?
Mattías.- Don’t get your hopes up, you know that your brother considers his little girl a pilot fish for that “new solar generation”, and your role could mislead the message, it’s not finished, the most important thing is missing, the paradox, the closure, the chim-pum…
Anna Rotred.- Don’t worry, I’m sure Robertopor will come in time to solve it, and if not, then we’ll know how to find a good ending…the path is already laid out, you just have to follow it!
Mattías.- Follow him…? How far? If you can’t see the end because of the fog! And if there’s nothing behind it…? Or even worse, if we find a cliff or… a wall! Which way is that that we don’t know where it takes us, no matter how nice it is?!
Anna Rotred.- You’re always so pessimistic, so dramatic!
Mattias.- …excuse me, I’m a playwright.
Anna Rotred.-…as you wish, but the road will take us to a spectacular place, it says so at the entrance. Don’t you trust your intuition anymore?
- All
- Drawing
- Exhibitions
- Other media
- Painting

Marena Rooms Gallery Torino (2009)

Audacity of a director VI

Audacity of a V-director

Audacity of a Director IV

Audacity of a Director III

Audacity of a Director II

Audacity of a Director I

From the Banquets to a Welcome

The cheerful messenger

Welcome Maya

The Space Lamp of the Luciérnagos

The Camouflaged Fireflies at Versailles

The Monkey and the Mouse

Robertopor with eye cabriolas

Juande performing symphony

Robertopor in the garden

The Journey of The Luciérnagos

Anna Rotred in the Space Lamp

The Fireflies in the Lamp

Essay of The Luciérnagos

Robertofor the screenwriter

A great idea-representation

Robertopor and the mobile boat

Rehearsal with a small provisional Maya

The revolutionary Maya interrupting the essay of Los Luciérnagos.

Robertopor Eccentric-Concentric

Maya and Los Luciérnagos

Prancing. From rehearsals for a welcome

Audacity of a director

Great lamp
