Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Cervantes Institute

This Wednesday, September 27, The Forms of the soulwill be inaugurated at the Instituto Cervantes, curated by Susana Blas and bringing together the artists:
Chechu Álava, María Bueno, Soledad Córdoba, Antonio F. Alvira, Santiago Lara, Mireya Martín, Vicky Méndiz, Paula Noya, Mapi Rivera, José Luis Serzo, SUSO33, Yolanda Tabanera, Marina Vargas, Juan Zamora.
This project has its origin in the room of the Casa de la Mujer in Zaragoza, on the occasion of the commemoration of Teresa de Avila. The spirituality and the different ways of understanding and representing the soul are the thread, and the creative process arises from the reading of texts by the writer from Ávila, and the conversations between the curator and the artists, which nourishes and gives life to this project.
For the exhibition at the Instituto Cervantes, each artist has adapted their works to the space, and for this purpose three areas have been generated through which the visitors transit from the Zen state, to the visions and the ritual.
Dates: of 28/09/2017 to 26/11/2017
Opening: 27/09/2017 (20:00 h)
Place: Instituto Cervantes – Exhibition Hall
c/ Alcalá, 49, Madrid.